Larry Savage - The Seven C’s That Act as Keys To Successful Marketing

 If you are passionate about owning and operating a business, you certainly understand the significance of marketing for your business. Marketing, when done right, can reap high profits in a short period of time. This blog introduces you to the seven C’s of marketing that is reflected among wise individuals and Larry Savage Jr- Top 5 Recommended Books on Entrepreneurship for Aspiring Successful Entrepreneurs alike. 

1.  Customer

The customer is the most crucial element of your business, let alone your marketing idea. The better you cater your products and services as per customer needs, the higher your chances of success. The best approach is to first recognize your target audience and start doing some research to know user intent. 

2.  Consistency 

Once you decide upon an idea around which your marketing strategies revolve, be sure to be consistent with that idea throughout. If you end up sending mixed signals to customers, they will doubt the authenticity of the brand and thus turn to your competitors to make the purchase. 

3.  Creativity

With a number of companies selling the same product or service, you have to do something different to appeal to the customer. That’s where creativity steps in. Your marketing ideas must be creative and innovative so that customers are drawn towards your brand. 

4.  Culture

When your target audience is on a global level, you are reaching out to customers from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, modifying your marketing plans so that they suit these cultural differences is necessary for better user engagement. However, if you are presenting an idea that applies globally, it is best to maintain a broad cultural appeal. 

5.  Communication

Talking about user engagement, the key point in marketing is smooth communication. It is when customers feel that your services are comfortable or that the point you're trying to make is relatable that they feel convinced to make a purchase. So, the better you connect with your target audience, the higher your success probability. 

6.  Change

As times change, so do trends, and this means that a good marketing team should always be prepared to embrace change. Curiosity and hard work will help you learn new tech and ideas so that you can implement them and keep up with the market. This, in turn, aids in creating a better impression on the customer. 

7.  Channel 

The online channel has made it a lot more convenient for everyone, including businesses, to operate smoothly. Whether it is communication, transport, security or any other factor related to a business you are talking about, the internet has a huge role to play. Understanding this role of the internet and smartly using its gifts to your advantage is what a clever marketer must do to reap profits. 


The bottom line is that by understanding and implementing your marketing strategies through these seven C’s, you can guarantee that you are not leaving behind any aspect of marketing. Whether you are thinking about how to start a Transportation and Logistics business according to Larry Savage Jr or looking for ideas to earn more profit from your existing enterprise, these ideas will help you much. 


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