
Showing posts from February, 2023

Larry Savage - The Seven C’s That Act as Keys To Successful Marketing

 If you are passionate about owning and operating a business, you certainly understand the significance of marketing for your business. Marketing, when done right, can reap high profits in a short period of time. This blog introduces you to the seven C’s of marketing that is reflected among wise individuals and Larry Savage Jr- Top 5 Recommended Books on Entrepreneurship for Aspiring Successful Entrepreneurs alike.  1.  Customer The customer is the most crucial element of your business, let alone your marketing idea. The better you cater your products and services as per customer needs, the higher your chances of success. The best approach is to first recognize your target audience and start doing some research to know user intent.  2.  Consistency  Once you decide upon an idea around which your marketing strategies revolve, be sure to be consistent with that idea throughout. If you end up sending mixed signals to customers, they will doubt the authenticity of the brand and thus turn